How to Automate Carousel Summary Blocks on Squarespace Using HTML and JavaScript

Carousel summary blocks can be a powerful tool to showcase your content on a Squarespace website. By automating the carousel, you can engage your visitors with a dynamic display of your blog posts, events, products, or videos. In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through the process of automating carousel summary blocks on Squarespace, helping you enhance your web design, improve SEO, and boost your marketing efforts.

Step 1: Access Page Settings

To get started, log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the page where you want to add the automated carousel summary block. Click on the "Pages" tab in the main menu and locate the desired page. Hover over the page title and click on the gear icon that appears next to it. This will open the "Page Settings" panel.

Step 2: Go to the "Advanced" Settings

In the "Page Settings" panel, you will find several options to customize your page. Look for the "Advanced" tab, usually located at the end of the panel. Click on it to access the advanced settings for the page.

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Step 3: Inject the Automation Code

Once you are in the "Advanced" settings, scroll down until you find the "Code Injection" section. This is where you can add custom code to your page. In the "Header" section, paste the following code in your pages header:


<!-- Summary Block Autoplay -->

window.onload = function() {
var nextArrow = document.querySelector(".summary-carousel-pager-next");
function clickNext() {;
setInterval(clickNext, 5000);


Step 4: Adjust the Speed of the Carousel

By default, the carousel will advance to the next item every 5 seconds. If you want to adjust the speed, modify the value in the line setInterval(clickNext, 5000);. For example, changing it to setInterval(clickNext, 3000); will make the carousel transition every 3 seconds. Experiment with different intervals until you find the timing that suits your content and website design.

Step 5: Sit Back and Enjoy!

Automating carousel summary blocks on Squarespace can bring your website to life, improving user experience, and attracting more visitors. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can easily implement this feature and leverage it to showcase your blog posts, events, products, or videos. Remember to optimize your content with engaging images and relevant keywords to enhance your web design, improve SEO rankings, and boost your overall marketing efforts.

By utilizing this automation technique, you can create a visually appealing and interactive experience for your audience, driving engagement and increasing conversions on your Squarespace website!

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions, or if you are looking for a website of your own!


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